Monday, November 4, 2013

My First Time

I couldn’t tell you how we got there, what i was wearing, or how we even prepared for this glorious moment. The only thing i knew was that it was here, the moment i’ve been planning and dreaming of for weeks. I had my arms spread wide with the wind blowing through my hair and i was on top on the world… well really i was being towed towards the lake on top of our family’s jetski. 
After this day at the ripe age of 7 i was hooked. My parents had taken their three children camping and it was the best weekend ever. Nothing mattered but having fun, my older sister didnt worry about combing her hair or picking on me and my younger brother could finally run free without breaking anything of value. As for me, i didn’t have to wear pants or shoes for three days, i got to pee in the lake and for once in our lives we got to eat something other than mexican food. Needless to say it was magical.
Since moving out a year and a half ago I’ve decided that because my boyfriend is very into the outdoors scene we would incorporate camping in our lives. It has been nothing but a complete disaster.